Accept imperfection.
As I prepared to record some more videos, I had a knot in my stomach.
The anticipation was heightened by the fact that I’d already started the series and people are looking for more. The pressure is real.
But I rode that out. I’ go out and press record. If it’s really shit, I’ll start again. After all, no-one is watching. Yet.
But you know what? It was fine.
Accept imperfection.
I’ve also been collecting ideas for content distribution. I’m planning to develop these videos into blog posts and eventually, they’ll be an ebook.
I’m putting together a new website for the Smart Message Framework.
And a couple of pitches for new clients because, believe it or not, the world is still turning on its axis, things are getting and we are not living in an episode of The Twilight Zone. Even though it feels like it sometimes.